imgInternational Conference
3rd Moscow Workshop on Targets and Applications

15 - 19 October, 2007 Moscow, Russia
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences


Scientific Program

10 invited papers, 30 oral talks and about 70 posters are estimated to cover 10 proposed sections (topics) of the MWTA 2007.

The applications are supposed to demonstrate not only the technologies of target production used in the other experimental areas, but also the contemporary target experiments performed with different drivers, theoretical and experimental expertise and reviews on the topics of the conference. The leading scientists are invited to present the existing and to motivate the coming specifications to the target fabrication community.

Unfortunately, at present LPI has no funds for invited reporter additional payment.

The invited speakers are welcome to publish an article in “Quantum Electronics” (within 12 pages). After some time English version of the journal is followed by Russian edition (cover-to-cover translation).

 Papers presented at the MWTA 2007 and suitable for Laser and Particle Beams could be published in this journal.

Themes of invited reports.

  • Specification of target for ignition and for reactor burn series.
  • IFE program and target reality.
  • Targets for fast ignition. Novel materials for targets (alternative fuel, low-density materials with high Z-admixture, multi-shell targets). 
  • Targets to study EOS in the matter under extreme pressure and material with density gradient.
  • Target requirements for heavy-ion ICF, low-density metals and cylinder cryotargets.
  • Liners and Z-pinch targets.
  • Cryolayer formation and cryotarget delivery into the interaction chamber.
  • Tritium target and chamber problems, D↔T isotope exchange in ready solid shells, target survival under β-decay of tritium.
  • Target assembly, mounting, characterization and transportation. Mass production of IFE targets and their delivery into chamber.
  • Targets for ps- & fs- lasers, and for EUV source. Target technology in scientific applications (EUV generation, multi-layered mirrors and filters development).

A round table is planned: “Is Fast Ignition capable of producing a gain of at least 3 at facilities of the scale of HiPER”.

The specialized virtual exhibition is planned. During the appointed session simultaneous computer-based presentations will be organized focusing on commercially proposed targets, monitoring equipment, proposals for access to beam to beam experiments, inertial plasma diagnostic devices, and relevant technologies and applications. Tables and power plugs will be available, limited number of computers internet access could be provided. Exhibition will be limited to the table-top demonstrations. One-minute announcement for each participant will be scheduled prior to exhibition time (during one of oral sessions).

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