imgInternational Conference
3rd Moscow Workshop on Targets and Applications

15 - 19 October, 2007 Moscow, Russia
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences


Call for Papers

We are about to propose the relevant papers to the editor of the Laser&Particle Beams (LPB) journal together with guest editorial on the conference.

Below I want to cite the letter of Dieter Hoffmann about the policy of the Journal he is editing.

“One thing is very important. LPB has no page limit for the authors. On the contrary I am rejecting many papers that are just 4 pages. We like to have full papers, where the authors have worked hard. This concept has improved the LPB impact factor now to a solid 4 (3.985), and LPB is therefore the journal with the highest impact factor in the field. I recently had good experience to ask authors to produce a combined paper, where one could save on the same introductory remarks. Therefore from some conferences I get now one or very few papers. For example we recently had the Heavy Ion Stopping 07 in Darmstadt and all contributers are now writing a common paper where each author has a separate chapter. This article may come to 80 or 100 printed pages, but I am sure in this way it will be a highly cited article.
If you please can ask your authors to forget about a page limit. If they use the word count option, then 4000 words is usually the lower limit that I prefer.”

I want to propose to your judgment the following:

  1. Now with no page limit for the papers connected it seems logical to publish the submitted papers altogether in one and the same journal LPB.
  2. I request the interested authors kindly to visit the site of LPB and follow their guidelines for the manuscript preparation.
  3. The deadline for submission of the manuscripts to the organizing committee was November 30. If you need extra time for meeting the journal style and requirements, please inform me at the earliest and provide the preliminary variant with the major content, decided title and authorship
Please let me know if there are invited authors who insist on publishing their article in the Quantum Electronics (Russian journal)

Kind regards,
Nataliya Borisenko


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